Elise is an Shamanic Practitioner, Channel, speaks Star Language & an evidential Medium guiding clients on their own unique path of healing and opening up to their magnificence. She works remotely with clients and in person.

Truth Serums
Belief Bombs & Truth Serums ~ Pearls of Wisdom for the Soul. Practical wisdom for expansion.

Intuitive Coaching
Elise offers inspiring intuitive & psychic coaching. She works as a Shamanic Healer, Channel, speaks STAR language, evidential Medium & Wayshower! Email her at info@eliseannmoore.com for more information.

Contact Elise to see how Energy Medicine can best work for you

Workshops & Events
Learn more about upcoming group workshops and events.
Elise Ann Moore, Intuitive. Channel & Shamanic Healer guides you to experience opening new pathways to Intuitive Energy Healing, Bridging the Gap between the Metaphysical World and our Physical Reality with Sound Therapy, Mediumship, Shamanic work, Channeled Readings and so much more!
We each have guides, seen and unseen, that have vital information for us to heal old wounds, to make challenging decisions, to shape the direction we travel and to take responsibility for being entirely present in our own lives. Whether an intuitive listens closely, feels with the gentle laying on of hands or studies the energy around us, we can learn to be more aware of the information and energies that serve our well-being. This is the gift Elise shares with those who are open to a new experience.