Exciting Announcement & Circling Back
Exciting Announcement! We are going back to Mallorca, Spain to Santuari de Lluc Monastery for another retreat in the fall of 2025! This Monastery is such a magical and mystical place full of ancient history and wisdom. Stay tuned for upcoming details! Feel free to...

Equine Workshop
Have you ever been curious about what a horse or any animal is wanting to communicate to you? We pick up on the subtitles of energy and at times aren’t sure how to decipher what is being conveyed from the animal. All animals will communicate with us if we are open to...

WOW! Lluc on Mallorca
We are back from our retreat and all I can say is WOW! It was such an extraordinary time with amazing gifted people who were willing to dive deep and ask questions of themselves which in turn created an amazing space of healing, transformation and the ability to tap...

When DREAMS come TRUE!
How our dreams really do come true! I'm a huge believer in the DreamScape as I've said numerous times and recently it's happened again. I'm sharing this as I feel we are all on this journey exploring what is our true nature of beingness in this lifetime. Some know...

The Rich Symbolic Language of Dreams & Tarot
I'm sending along Robin Johnson's newsletter as my blog post. Enjoy The Rich Symbolic Language of Dreams and Tarot by Monika Evans-Napier “Dreams are part of our human survival kit, part of what has kept us going, and evolving on this planet. Across history, most...