Post Eclipse!
Mentoring is just around the corner. A friendly reminder that applications will be accepted until September 15th. Mentoring starts the beginning of October. If deepening your knowledge on how to tap in to your own intuition and innate gifts, learning how to do readings, energy work and more, I suggest clicking on the link for more information or email me directly at [email protected]. It’s going to be a fabulous and exciting year ahead!
Teaching is one of my all time favorite things to do. I love seeing people grow and seek their own true authentic self. When someone shows up and isn’t quite sure why, but they’ve made that first step into the unknown, they have begun. This is how it all starts.
So now that the Eclipse is over with, what do we do now? I believe it’s a time of reflection and sitting in stillness and allowing the energies to take shape. If we listen to that subtle voice when it whispers to us, then we know when it is time to move and take action. I know for myself the energy leading up to the eclipse and right after felt intense and chaotic. I could feel the collective energy as a whole, meaning the collective consciousness of the human race and the collective consciousness. I found this interesting and fascinating.
As Empath’s it’s so important that we stay in our own energy system and not take on other peoples energy. You can take notice of what is happening, but being aware of feeling your own energy and feelings is what is key, and not confusing another persons energy for yours. We tend to become confused about making decisions and want to take care of everyone else but ourselves.
We will be in Eclipse energy a month before and be feeling the energy for a month after. Eclipse’s run in cycles, meaning we will have a couple of years where we will experience another Eclipse in Leo. This gives an opportunity to work through and embody what was wanting to be brought forward and be eclipsed out and bring in what we are truly wanting to manifest. BE PATIENT! and listen to your own intuition.
If you felt it was chaotic, can you take time in the next couple of days to get quiet and feel into what is important to you. Write down questions you may have and ask what can be revealed for your highest good! I spent a lot of time in nature this last week which was magical!
I will leave you with a couple of quotes “Where the Mind goes, Biology follows” & “Be mindful of your thoughts for they create form!”
Have a wonderful week! Until next time, create your own Magic through you!