Quick note before I go off on my tangent about being too Empathic!
Thursday, May 24th from 6-8pm I will be hosting a mini-interactive workshop … This is a fun way of learning how to read people and your own energy and intuition… I will be doing readings on individuals as well, which I LOVE to do…I’m providing snacks, tea and a whole lot of fun:) Click the link for more information . Once registered, the address will be sent via email.
Have you been playing with the UNIVERSE? Here’s my RED BALLOON story and I’ll make it quick:)
As most of you know, I love playing with the Universe. It gives us signs every day if we pay attention. Plus it’s so FUN!
I drove to Bend a few weeks ago and decided on that Friday I was going to manifest Red Balloons. I got excited about them and expressed that I loved Red Balloons and felt the feeling behind it. The feeling is the KEY behind any intention you decide to put out there in the Universe. Over the weekend , I brought into my minds eye the Red Balloons, the feeling I felt about them and then forgot about them. On my way home just as I got to the McKenzie Bridge (this is where I spent the Eclipse last August with my dear friend Sharon from Seattle) I saw RED BALLOONS. Not only where they RED, but they were in the shape of HEARTS! I love how the universe works and shows all these amazing signs if we pay attention … A couple days later I saw more RED BALLOONS in the shape of hearts and stars… Again, I got excited when this happened, because it brings in JOY! It’s like being a kid!
So, Manifest some RED BALLOONS this week, and see how fast they come to you… For me it is like the Universe is giving me a bouquet of flowers every time it comes into my awareness… I LOVE IT!
Are you being too Empathic or the Gas Pump for other people? Meaning you feel everyone else and don’t even realize it, you’re taking care of others before yourself, and most likely you’re in other people’s business and worried about what other people are doing and thinking?
You’ve probably heard this before, but it’s none of our business what other people think about us. And most of the time they aren’t even thinking about us anyway.
For empaths this can be overwhelming and intoxicating. They tend to get into other people’s business and/or migrating into their energy system, which I don’t recommend, and they don’t even know they are doing it. This is why it’s so important to practice being in your own energy on a regular basis. I teach this simple technique to my clients on how to find a LOVE SYMBOL so they can feel what it feels like to be in their own body. You’d be surprised how many people don’t even know what their body feels like. Empathic people are highly intuitive, but become confused by feeling others which can be exhausting.
Have you ever gone somewhere thinking (notice the word thinking) that’s what you really wanted to do, like going to the gym for example. But once you get there, and even before you enter the door, you start to feel unwell or claustrophobic… There’s this overwhelming feeling of anxiety. What if, you took a moment stood outside and got quiet and felt into how you were actually feeling , not thinking , and felt into whether you really wanted to be there in the first place. Possibly you were really wanting to be out in nature or resting in the backyard with the birds… I feel we tend to do this to ourselves given our habitual set patterns of our routine day in and day out. We don’t take the time to actually feel what our bodies are wanting, we tend to think through our day instead of feeling through the day!
I encourage to take this next month and start feeling into your day. What does it feel like to listen to what your body wants. It may sound odd, but you will get a clear answer if you practice. This is one of the first steps to connecting to your own innate intuition. It is so simple, but we let our thoughts get in the way from allowing our feelings to be our guide. Have fun practicing:)
I have a few of questions for you if you’d like to answer them. You can send your responses to [email protected]. I will include some of the responses in the next Blog.
What are you interested in intuitively? Are you curious about how to connect with your guidance, spirit guides, the universal signs, etc?
What is it about the Psychic Realm that you don’t understand or have questions about?
What are you not getting, and would like to learn more about?
Have a great month if I don’t see you before.
Love & Joyful Abundance