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Dream Sequencing Workshop

September 8, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - September 29, 2020 @ 7:00 pm


The dreamscape is a magical place to draw from if we allow ourselves to see how dream sequencing comes from our waking life into our dreamscape and our dreamscape into our waking life, we will start to understand our own dream language and how we are continually getting messages from other realms.  

When we sleep at night our being leaves and travels around and gathers information and experiences for us to embody if we so desire. We also communicate with loved ones, other energies, our guides, spirit animals , the list goes on.  What we will focus on in this workshop is what I refer to as Dream Sequencing and how I believe and have experienced being a magical part of life’s wonders… When we are open to other perspectives and realms, we will tend to communicate with them on different planes and/or dimensions.

We also have the ability to shift a dream or re-enter a dream once you know how to consciously become aware in the dream. Some refer to this as Lucid dreaming. There are so many techniques out there now, but what I’m wanting to express is learning how to read our own dream & intuitive language in order to see the patterns in our dreams and speak with our guides and essences.  I’m offering a 4 week dream course called Dream Sequencing starting September, 8th through September 29th, Click the link to register!

We will learn how to decipher our dreams together, how they become sequenced when we pay attention and understand our own dream language along with our intuitive language. We will dive into the ancients in our dreams and what symbols they may use for you personally.  They normally don’t show up as you would imagine them to, so learning how to identify them is helpful with the messages that are coming through. You will identify your guides in your dreams, as we all have them, and how they can ShapeShift just as the deities do. The other work that comes out of dreaming is what I refer to as cyclical dreaming. This is where over time you understand again your dream language and intuitive language along with your guides, your essences , spirit animals, helping spirits and loved ones from the other side to help you in bringing a dream through a cycle. This can take years or weeks depending on the dreamer. For some if there is a deep karmic pattern playing out in this lifetime or you are connected to ancient beings that are wanting to work with you, they will give you indications in dreams from an early age that will propel you to do the work in your dreamscape which eventually if you choose expands into your waking life. It’s so layered and multidimensional that’s why I’m running this workshop to help other’s understand the dreamscape in ways that can help bring the cycle to a new beginning. It’s really magical when it happens! Fears are released, new beginnings happen and dreaming becomes so rich along with LIFE!

There will be a workbook along with recordings of drumming sent to your inbox to lucid dream with. Our last class will be either via Zoom or in person so we may all experience a ceremony together and bring the dream sequencing to fruition and you will have a better understanding of how to perceive your dreamscape. Click the link to register!

Given we are in these interesting times, I will ask those that meet in person during the last class to please where a face covering so we all feel comfortable and safe. Thank you!

Sending Love



September 8, 2020 @ 6:00 pm
September 29, 2020 @ 7:00 pm


Elise Ann Moore
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