Africa is a magical wonderment from my perception as I know I’ve had many past lives there and connected to the Lion People. I discovered this years ago through my dreams and visions with an African Shaman who came to me while I was drumming in the Three Sister Wilderness in Oregon with my dear friend Nancy. It was a magical trip with the Shaman and a wolf who went home with us in the car and the Shaman came to me the next day and said to me directly “A Massai will appear to you, a Massai will appear to you.” I had so many synchronicities prior to this exchange with the African Shaman that I went and bought my plane ticket the next day. The whole story is in a precious blog post.
When I arrived in Africa a Massai did appear to me and I was taken in like family and we walked the Reserve where he lives among all the wild animals. It’s one of the most amazing experiences I would have so far in my life. I would hear things telepathically about our Native American tribes such as “White Eagle” who I had to look up as I wasn’t aware of him. The deep connections we have in our earth with the Sacred Lands and the indigenous Peoples is extraordinary from my perception. I would learn through this trip that I too am Lion people and the connections we have with the Stars and our Star families is amazing. We all have these connections if we choose to get in touch with them… It’s innate in all of us at a cellular level and how we are connected to the fractals in us and within in the earth. We have to be open to exploring other realms and possibilities in order to connect and LISTEN. The one thing that stood out for me with Nello the Massai that I met was that he didn’t have any BRAIN CHATTER. I was astonished by this at that moment and years later understand it and how he and many others live from the HEART given how connected they are to the land they walk upon.
I’m taking another group back to Africa in October of this year where we will experience amazing wildlife, the Massai tribe, Rift Valley, Reserves with illusive Black Leopards, drumming journeys and many other magical experiences. People have signed up, so if this is on your bucket list here’s the link for more information.
On another note, I’m offering once again like I do every 6 months or so 2 for 1 sessions. Purchase a session for $222 and receive two session at $111 each. This offer will be good through the month of May, so if you wanting one for yourself or to gift a friend, please do so. You can email me at [email protected] or purchase from the website. I’m so thankful for all of the clients that I get to work with and all of the amazing work they do…
Feel and Listen from your heart when making life decisions. This is our true nature!
Sending Love,