

Where to begin! We are changing in so many ways, personally, collectively, cosmically and universally, and if we choose not to, there will be a tipping point! I have faith and hope in humanity even though there is trauma and discord happening. On some levels we are...
Dressing up FEAR!

Dressing up FEAR!

What is FEAR?! Some will say it’s False Emotions Appearing Real or False Experiences Appearing Real based on False Emotions!  I use to say the former, but after working in the intuitive and shamanic world, I have a slightly different perception of what fear is. I do...
Spiritual Maintenance!

Spiritual Maintenance!

I’ve been working on this post for the last week and every time I went to send it, my computer would freeze for the text would disappear. Now that Mercury has gone direct, here it is lol! With Mercury direct along with all the other planets, this is a great time...