by Elise Ann Moore | Apr 2, 2024 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
I’m so excited to announce this year in October 2024 we will be traveling to Mallorca, Spain for an amazing retreat at the Santuari de Lluc Monastery where we will embark on a mystical profound inner journey of illumination, grace and personal transformation....
by Elise Ann Moore | Dec 5, 2023 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
We recently came back from our Africa trip which was amazing along with wild and emotional experiences for all. I feel what came out of this trip energetically was how we see truth in different ways. It’s interesting how we perceive truth from our own perspective....
by Elise Ann Moore | Aug 25, 2023 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
Before anyone can remove or move past their issues of envy, we have to consider what the root cause of it is. In most cases ENVY arises when we are experiencing dissatisfaction in our own lives. We feel the need to project our own fears onto to someone else or...
by Elise Ann Moore | Aug 3, 2023 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
Courage The root word for courage is denoting the heart, as the seat of feelings: from Old French corage, from Latin cor ‘heart’. The Lion in the Wizard of Oz who wanted a heart so he could be courageous! The more we live from the heart and true authentic feelings and...
by Elise Ann Moore | Jul 18, 2023 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
We all come in with our own subconscious lessons to learn. Deserving of ABUNDANCE, LOVE, SELF LOVE, WEALTH, HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS, RESOURCES, HEALTH & WELL-BEING, PROSPERITY etc. There are so many layers to us as humans that we all are working on something...
by Elise Ann Moore | Jun 28, 2023 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
First an update on our Africa Trip! It’s shaping up nicely and we are now finalizing our accommodations among other adventures. It’s going to be an amazing trip. We will be staying in beautiful lodges on the reserves along with drumming at night under the...