by Elise Ann Moore | May 27, 2023 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
We are done when we are done! Being done with a situation, relationship, job and/or a chapter in life is part of our journey here. I feel we get so caught up in our head about over analyzing and processing a situation that at times we actually prolong the process...
by Elise Ann Moore | May 20, 2023 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
I’m back writing about the dreamscape once more. I’m a huge believer in our dream world given I’ve lived most of life listening to my dreams and visions in my waking life. I truly believe our dreams can give us information about our future, a next step to take and/or...
by Elise Ann Moore | Apr 24, 2023 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
Africa is a magical wonderment from my perception as I know I’ve had many past lives there and connected to the Lion People. I discovered this years ago through my dreams and visions with an African Shaman who came to me while I was drumming in the Three Sister...
by Elise Ann Moore | Apr 8, 2023 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
Resistance has many different perspectives when we really come from a broader spectrum of how our emotions have cause and effect. I personally feel resistance is more layered than the definition the dictionary gives us. When it comes to our emotions, there is always...
by Elise Ann Moore | Jan 21, 2023 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
Discovering our own Karmic Loop! Our soul over lifetimes experiences Soul Migration. The spark that has come down to earth in this lifetime is just a small fractal of what our soul is compromised of. It’s that part of our soul throughout many lifetimes that is wanting...
by Elise Ann Moore | Jun 10, 2022 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
A bit of business to begin with. I’m offering sessions for the next four weeks at $125 for an hour session (normally $222) or two sessions for $222… Send me an email at [email protected] to schedule. Share with friends and family. Hope to see you in...