by Elise Ann Moore | May 17, 2020 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
I find the word Asbolus interesting as it means “soot” in Greek or some would say ashes. He is considered a winged centaur, seer, augur and/or prophet and from my perspective I would add ShapeShifter. He reads signs in the flight of birds. I am writing about him given...
by Elise Ann Moore | May 5, 2020 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
We all have had an immense time for reflection during this interesting time on our planet. Personally I feel we are being asked to stop, take notice, feel and see what is important for the greater good of our ourselves, humanity, the earth and the universes. Do dreams...
by Elise Ann Moore | Mar 24, 2020 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
What is FEAR?! Some will say it’s False Emotions Appearing Real or False Experiences Appearing Real based on False Emotions! I use to say the former, but after working in the intuitive and shamanic world, I have a slightly different perception of what fear is. I do...
by Elise Ann Moore | Mar 9, 2020 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
I’ve been working on this post for the last week and every time I went to send it, my computer would freeze for the text would disappear. Now that Mercury has gone direct, here it is lol! With Mercury direct along with all the other planets, this is a great time...
by Elise Ann Moore | Feb 9, 2020 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
Where does Chronic come from? The word root ‘chron’ means time, and it came from the Greek word khronos ‘time’. … Let’s have a look at the word chronic that is used to describe something lasting for a long time as in chronic pain....
by Elise Ann Moore | Jan 22, 2020 | Belief Bombs & Truth Serums™
Transition is passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : CHANGE, a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another. I recently had a conversation with a friend about transitioning. I feel it’s an interesting place to be...