Have you ever been curious about what a horse or any animal is wanting to communicate to you? We pick up on the subtitles of energy and at times aren’t sure how to decipher what is being conveyed from the animal. All animals will communicate with us if we are open to listening. They will pick up on the emotions of their owners and mimic those through behaviors or ailments as well. What we humans tend to forget is that animals are highly sensitive beings without judgment and will please whenever they possibly can. Especially dogs!
Connecting with animals and the wild animal kingdom is so easy once we learn their language. An example is cats are highly intuitive as are horses and will communicate via telepathy, visions and dogs normally will send a picture for us to decipher. Some dogs will communicate telepathically as well, but the human has to be tuned into that frequency from my perspective. They will show us their current lives and past lives so we understand their lineage and what they have gone through previously just like a human. They will give us metaphoric/symbolic signs that we have to learn to unravel in order to get to the root cause of something they are working through or dealing with. The difference being animals don’t have a voice like we do, so listening to them through our other senses and especially our emotional body is key to communicating with them and allowing them to convey what they are needing in order heal themselves or express something they are needing in their daily life that might not otherwise be known.
Have you ever noticed how our animals know when we are coming home? They have tuned into our energetic field and have a knowingness of not linear time, but the intuitive time in which animals are in correspondence to within in their own rhythm. Times are changing and shifting on our planet and there is a unique opportunity now to connect even deeper with the animal kingdom and mother nature. I do believe this is becoming more and more prominent in our society and their are cultures throughout our world that have been practicing this for thousands of years.
I’m excited to be hosting an equine workshop on February 1st, 2025. All the information is below.
We will spend the afternoon connecting first with ourselves and understanding how our emotional body is connected to our fields of information and the horses heart field. You will learn different techniques on how to connect to your own innate intuition in order to connect with the horse telepathically, hands on, hands off and reading the energies of the horse.
Horses have one of the largest energetic heart fields in the animal kingdom. Once a horse allows you into their heart field, a bond of trust is communicated between those fields which allows you to be an energetic conduit to help the horse heal itself.
• Learn how to read the energy of your own emotional body.
• Understand how your energy relates to the horse.
• Communicate with energetic awareness without expectations.
• Experience how this leads to healing for the horse.
Click the link to register and we look forward to seeing you at the workshop! Workshop will be held at Equine Spirit Sanctuary 13 Los Caballos Road, Ranchos de Taos, NM United States 87557. You can pay by following the link, mail a check or pay via Venmo to @Elise-Moore-12. For any questions and more information, email Elise at [email protected]!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year of prosperity, health and well-being!
Sending Love,