Exciting Announcement! We are going back to Mallorca, Spain to Santuari de Lluc Monastery for another retreat in the fall of 2025! This Monastery is such a magical and mystical place full of ancient history and wisdom. Stay tuned for upcoming details! Feel free to reach out with any questions as well…

I’m circling back to our Equine Workshop that we had a few weeks ago given what’s been happening at the barn with the Horses and participants. There were participants who had never been around a horse before, and by the end of the clinic they had their hands on the horses and were smiling ear to ear:) I can’t begin to tell you how heart warming this was to witness!

What happens with energy, especially when there is synergy between people and animals, a web is created. There’s a force of energy which is creating a vortex for individuals to work within that is synergistic in nature throughout their heart fields along with the horses heart field and the land. When people decide to come together and actually use energetic energy for the greater good, miraculous shifts take place. Here’s what happened.

We have to remember horses are herd animals and when they are in sink with one another, they will all have the same heart rhythm. Their heart is a field of energy or vortex, and given one of the ways horses communicate is through vibration, they can feel the other horses heart vibration and will match it. So when you take a group of people and create synergy without dialogue, the horse can feel what is happening and responds to that vibration of the person or group. Animals are so simple with their communication, and respond to the human energy field and emotions.  It’s amazing to watch when someone or a group of people start working with a horse, a lot of the horses will gravitate towards them to feel the energy being created and take in the healing energy.

A couple of days after the workshop a group of people were at lunch at the sancutary where the workshop took place and they were so positive about what they learned and grateful for the information along with practicing with the horses. A couple of days later I’m out there and I can feel what is happening and watching and experiencing a shift in some of the horses and hearing stories of what has transpired in such a short amount of time. Remember most of these horses have been through trauma and some don’t like to be touched or even have you near them. One horse in particular named Spirit, made a huge breakthrough!. I hadn’t worked with him in a while and he proceeded to walk across the pasture which is so challenging for him and found me in a stall with another horse I’ve work with. I walked out and he slowly came up and nuzzled me (this has never happened before) and asked for me to put my hands on him and do some energy work. Normally we wouldn’t allow his shoulders to be touch given how much discomfort he is in. He has a challenging time flexing at his fetlock (ankle) and kind of throws his legs forward in order to walk like he’s walking on pegs, so for him to walk all the way to me was a big deal for him. I also did some craniosacral work on him and as I was working on him there was a woman from the Equine Clinic and I asked her to get on the other side of him so he was having both sides affected… He would turn his head and communicate to me and to her that he wanted us to keep going and so we did. This went on for about 30 minutes and he would gesture by turning his head side to side and nuzzling us. He’s such a sweet boy and deserves to be free of pain. After we were done, I came back to check on him and he had laid down in the sun and was taking in all the work we had done with him. He is now starting to walk better which is a huge shift for him.

Oreo, also a mini will not let anyone near her and she tends to bite if you do. One of the participants stood on the other side of the gate and put her hands up with the intention of sending loving energy to this horse. She proceeded to lick her lips (this is a form of a release for a horse) and then she laid down. This is a huge shift for this horse which is normally in attack mode a lot of the time. She is now getting along better with the other horses she grazes with as well. I can’t begin to say how happy this makes me and to see these animals feel more loved and nurtured. Eagle Feather who didn’t like people around him whatsoever now comes up to the volunteers and asks for attention. Again this is such an amazing process to witness.

They’ve endured so much and now have a group of people who take time to be with them and do healing work with them. This is what it’s about for me, it’s to empower people with tools so they can take those tools and help heal animals, people, plants, land, etc. We all have the capability to be a positive, loving energetic force in the world if we choose to. We just have to get out of the way and allow the healing energy to come through us. It’s funny one of the participants said to me “I thought I was coming here to heal myself!” She was, but the intentions with the horse is to help them heal, and when we help others heal, we heal ourselves along the way.

I’m now teaching one on one and small groups at Equine Spirit Sanctuary! I will also be offering Equine Clinics in the spring. There will be a New Equine Therapy Page added to my website with all the info at Equine Spirit Sanctuary and doing clinics at other Barns/Venues as well! I’m so excited for all that is happening in the Animal World. I do work with Canines as well as I have done in the past. This is where my healing Journey started with a dog named Barney! He was an amazing teacher!

Sending Love,

