Healing comes in all kinds of forms!
I’m going to share a story of a HORSE named Dolly who helped heal herself recently. It was an amazing process that has had a wonderful outcome for Dolly and all of those who care for her. The reason why I’m sharing is given animals don’t hold any judgement like humans do and once they know they are safe, they will allow you in and work with you in order to heal themselves! I’ve personally seen this over and over again with animals. Doesn’t mean they ultimately survive, but their quality of life has been improved tremendously.
I started volunteering at a Horse Sanctuary in New Mexico called Equine Spirit Sanctuary and I was pleasantly surprised the woman who owns the property and runs the Sanctuary is very open to alternative healing modalities. One of the horses she was concerned about given when the horse arrived into her care didn’t have this condition and they weren’t sure what brought it on. There isn’t any cure for this condition called Trigeminal-mediated headshaking, also known as equine idiopathic headshaking (HSK), is still a perplexing disorder in horses. I researched it as well looking for methods of treatment. There really wasn’t anything that resonated with me and one recommendation was Botox injections which again was temporary, but gave the horse some relief. So I went work..
I would work on Dolly once or twice a week depending on how she was feeling. When I would lay hands on her she would show me a past lives (Yes! animals will do this once they feel safe and calm with a practitioner or loved one) and where she had a head injury at some point. This could have been in a past life or current life. Given I didn’t know her history, I followed what she was showing me. At the base of skull was a pressure point, so I gently put light pressure there to relieve any tension. I did know after research that the nerve originates from the pons and medulla oblongata of the brain (location of trigeminal nerve nuclei). The trigeminal nerve, in particular, exits the horse’s skull near the base of the ear and then travels all the way down to the muzzle. It allows the horse to feel sensation on their face where the nerve runs down the face into the snout and to contract the muscles used for chewing , and innervates most of the face. Anything and everything that touched her face, whether it a fly or the wind would triggered her symptoms. And one had to watch out being next her head given she would swing it without any warning. She couldn’t really be out in the sun either as the rays and heat exasperated her symptoms. I could feel how uncomfortable she was and miserable is really a better word for this amazing horse. She’s big in stature and loves to be ridden, but again that wasn’t happening given her condition. If was unfortunate as she was part of the therapeutic program with the sanctuary.
During the third time working on her, I could feel her glands swollen and then I heard “HISTAMINE” over and over again. I was like “What?” She/Dolly was telling me her condition had to do with histamine in her body and it felt systemic on so many levels to me. This wasn’t an allergy to some type of external alignment, but something internal. I immediately went to the Barn where the owner was and said “Dolly keeps telling me Histamine, Histamine!” I was so excited that we were getting somewhere.
The owner asked me if when I held things, like medication, supplements, powders, if I could feel what she needed. I responded with “Yes, I do that with essential oils, food, vitamins etc” She gave me the first item and I could feel it didn’t have any energy to it. Turns out this was a medication she used to be on, but no longer taking, Then she handed me another item. Same thing, it felt flat. It was a magnesium supplement which can help, but wasn’t giving Dolly any relief.. The third item she handed me sang to me.I could feel it throughout my body. I said “This is it!” I wasn’t looking at what she was handing me so I wouldn’t have any knowledge of what I was holding. The third item ended being a powder to treat the Histamine. Dolly had communicated what was happening with her and what she needed. She just needed us humans to do the leg work for her!
She started Dolly on the Histamine powder and within three weeks her symptoms have subsided and she is so happy! I can’t begin to express when animals communicate with us and let us know what they need, we have the ability to help them help themselves. This goes for people as well. But as humans, we tend to get so caught up in our head about “am I hearing this right, will it really work?” ETC! The body is a magnificent biological organism of information and light and we are just these beings running around in a flesh of an AVATAR where we have the ability to tune into our own light and seek answers. It’s really not that complicated as our brain likes to make it out to be. Early on I volunteered my time with dogs with cancer and the information they would give forth was amazing. They knew they were coming to an end, but they still allowed healing to take place. We can do the same even if we don’t know our own fate. That being said, transformation is a powerful tool to dive deep in our subconscious and release past karmic energies that we have brought with us as lessons & experiences. We are so cognitive and aware once we wake up to the fact that we are powerful beyond measure and have the ability to dive deep and heal our own wounds.
Keeping this in mind we are embarking on a wonderful transformative retreat on the beautiful island of Mallorca, Spain October 28th-November3rd. Here’s the link for more information.
Join Monika Evans-Napier, Robin Johnson & Myself on an enchanting journey at the Mallorca Mystical Retreat. Our adventure begins on Monday, 28 October to 3 November at the Santuari de Lluc, a serene monastery nestled in the forest on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca, Spain.
Immerse yourself in a mystical experience as we delve into the world of symbols, messages, and guidance through Channeling, Tarot, Karmic and Emotional Release, and Dreamwork.
Our program is thoughtfully curated to support your inner exploration and self-discovery. Through interactive workshops, reflective journaling, rejuvenating nature walks, cozy fireside chats, personal sessions, and moments of peaceful contemplation, you will disconnect from the demands of daily life and digital distractions.
The energies of Samhain (Halloween), All Saints and All Souls as well as a New Moon in Scorpio will make this a particularly potent time for deep transformation and renewal.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to [email protected], and I’m happy to help!
Sending Love,