We are embarking on our Mystical Mallorca Retreat in about month. The stories of how people have found out about our retreat always intrigue me as they listened to their own Intuitive Guidance. One person went to a tarot reader and was suggested she would be going on a retreat. She was hesitant at first and then a friend reached out with our retreat and she took the leap and signed up. Another had an experience in another dimension in the church at the monestery and started looking for a retreat in the area and found our retreat online. Another reached out given we had spent time in Egypt together. We never know how far and wide our connections will take us or what the universe has in store as well. When we truly take a leap of faith and listen to our own innate being, we make incredible decisions in life. Intuition is not something that can be conjured up or made a project out of. We are all are innately intuitive in our own way, and when we listen remarkable things come into our lives and the adventures can be breathtaking
The intuitive world, metaphysical world, dimensional world, however you perceive for it yourself is so layered that our human brain has a challenging time wrapping around concepts outside of the norm. Not all people are this way, but the majority are and those who can perceive the layers are gifted with synchronicities and awareness beyond this current reality. It’s a beautiful gift to live in a place of constant transformation and knowing what we don’t know until we know. Working on not trying to figure things out from my perspective is a key to embarking on a life full of daily surprises no matter how Minuit and/or Grande …
The other HUGE KEY is our thought processes and how we internally talk to ourselves and externally project onto others through our thoughts! THOUGHTS ARE POWERFUL and create a movement forward in every moment in our lives. We have this moment and then the next, as all of our essences are running simultaneously with us. Meaning, we have future lives, past lives, parallel lives all running at the same time. Whatever we heal in this lifetime affects all of our other lives or what I refer to as our essences. We all come into this world with patterns, and when we become aware of them, we can transmute them and heal! It’s a powerful place to be in our consciousness and become aware of all that we are made up of!
If you’re a last minute kind of adventurous person like I am, here’s the link to our retreat! We’d love to see you there. It’s going to be a transformative time, especially given we will be there during Samhain and a New Moon in Scorpio.
Sending LOVe,
Photo by Jr Korpa