Do you live in the present moment? I recently had someone say to me, “You seem to be living life in the present, I want more of that! How do I do that?” These are great questions and I thought why not write about it. Here are some of my tips as far as staying in the moment and not straying into the past or future. I refer to this as future casting or past casting!
We have to stop over thinking, over analyzing, over processing. The past in the past and tomorrow hasn’t happened yet. Why stress about something that hasn’t even happened yet and why continually think about something over and over again? I know it’s challenging especially when a conversation gets heated or a conflict arises. One of the keys is learning how to feel the emotion around what you are feeling and then allowing it to pass through you and to become neutral as soon as you can. This limits the splitting of energy and allows the energy system to stay in a more expansive state.
As humans we aren’t capable of having a negative thought and a positive thought at the same time. So I ask, why do we choose the negative ones that become a negative loop? If you do, I can tell you that most of the time this will create either an uncomfortable situation, more of the same or the outcome will not be what you intended. I’ve learned this over the years, and I can say from experience once you learn to get out of the chatter, the Negative Looping, shift your perspective, your life shifts. I know it sounds impossible, but it’s really not. Remember thoughts create form. It’s so simple, but as humans we make it so complicated. THOUGHTS ARE ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT & POWERFUL THINGS TO PAY ATTENTION TO! It takes practice and dedication to get out of your head and trust your body. All the juicy intuition you are looking for is not in your head. I’ve been practicing this now for quite some time and I can tell you when I get in my head, I have this pressure that doesn’t feel good. I can feel my brows furrow when I become aware of my brain going in different directions. I feel like my energy system has been electrocuted because I’m causing anxiety in my nervous system. Not a good feeling! This is not saying that I don’t have days where my thoughts will wonder. I’m aware of it now, and have learned how to rein them in so to speak. I feel as humans we are so afraid of what we are allowing and always seeking something that isn’t here yet.
I’m sure you are familiar with the word Genius . In Latin genius “guardian deity or spirit which watches over each person from birth; spirit, incarnation, wit, talent;” also “prophetic skill,” originally “generative power,” from root of gignere “beget, produce”
I find the Latin reference especially interesting given my perspective and belief system we all have guides watching over us. Spirits come in many different forms, and it’s your individual interpretation or perception of what that is for you. Inside of us is our own genius, our own guidance, our own spirit which incarnates into human form, our own innate talent, our own divine spark of our soul wanting to come through and experience an extraordinary life. This takes inner work in order for the layers of our shadow to be revealed and then integrated back in. There is a calibration that takes place along the way as well. This is how we expand our energy and start to live life in more Joy and Freedom.
I can’t tell you the number of times clients/people ask what is my life’s purpose, destiny, or what am I to be doing with my life? No one and I mean NO ONE has that answer better than YOU! I would ask yourself this, are you willing to do the work to uncover the potential that lies underneath the shadows of self limiting perceptions? There are many different ways of uncovering the layers of the shadow. One of the keys is not to be in a hurry. We live in a time space reality where there is a process of unfolding and then allowing. If we are continually seeking, the unfolding will have a challenging time coming forth to be seen.
Stillness is eternity and motion is the what we experience on a day to day basis. This is why from my perception we must find the time to become still where all transformation takes place. We can stand as the central axis when we do this and allow the motion to swirl around us. This is the time when intuition is revealed! Those moments of clarity that we seek in the chaos! I encourage you to take the time to be still and quiet. This doesn’t necessarily mean sitting on the floor with your eyes closed. Walking in the woods is where I tend to get downloads of intuitive information. We all have our own unique way of being still. Maybe it’s gardening, being with animals, being in nature, sitting by a river or small stream of water, or up in a tree watching the birds:). Find that place that works for you and spend time being in stillness. It is a time for opportunity and where more is revealed. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
I will be teaching Revealing the layers of the Shadow this month on Friday, March 22nd from 12-2pm. We will dive into the layers while tapping into our intuitive gifts and talents. I will also be talking about Lineage from an intuitive perspective. This is a fun process in which more will be revealed to you. We will go on a Shamanic Journey with the Drum along with other ways of seeing what is lying in your energetic fields full of informative intuitive information that guides you through our life.
Sending Love,