Resistance has many different perspectives when we really come from a broader spectrum of how our emotions have cause and effect.
I personally feel resistance is more layered than the definition the dictionary gives us. When it comes to our emotions, there is always going to be layers to uncover. The key is how do we get through them without becoming even more resistant.
To get to the action (affect) we have to have an emotion or emotions that sustain the outcome. If we take a moment and feel into something that we are having resistance to, what stage or layer are you at in the resistance? Resistance is the step or steps before letting go of something that we are working through on a emotional level. If E-MOTIONS are just ENERGY and energy is a continuous motion, then our EMOTIONS are energy in motion. If we take the time and feel into what emotions we are experiencing around any particular topic of resistance, we can feel how stuck or contracted the energy is. Where does it go in the body? When we step away from the resistance and feel into the layer just beyond the resistance, then most likely, it will feel like movement, expansion and freedom. So again, where does the resistance come from? From my perspective, most resistance is based in fear. The fear of the unknown, the idea of something that we are wanting to create, but once we realize it’s being created we use resistance to mask the fear we have around it. It’s part of being human, but at the same time we are able to master different levels of letting go once we realize what resistance is to us on a personal level.
TRUST what you are perceiving. We all are so unique in how we operate or navigate through the world and our lives. Once we start judging other’s for how they move through life, again we shut down what is innately ours to open up to. Doesn’t mean we have to agree with someone else’s perception, but allowing them to be just as they are frees us from constraints of resistance and opens doors for our well-being along with seeing and feeling the broader spectrum
- A great TOOL is to imagine whatever the resistance is, is in front of you. Close your eyes and imagine that it’s there even if it’s only an emotion or emotions to the resistance. Place your hands slightly out in front of you and start feeling around the resistance.. Does it feel dense or possibly hard. Maybe the edges are a bit jagged or it feels kind of limp like it doesn’t have any form. Whatever the feeling, go with it. TRUST it! Now take the time to feel into the resistance, where does it go? What does it feel like? What are the felt senses with the resistance? Does it stay in one place or does it migrate around? Does it feel like it’s growing or shrinking? The more we feel it, the more we can see how it changes the next time we do this exercise.
- The next step is to see where the resistance is held in our physical body. Take some time and feel into different parts of your body. Where does it feel contracted verses expanded. Is it in the 3rd eye area given there is possibly an over analyzing and processing? Is the resistance energy in the heart where there is possible grief around something that is wanting to let go, or letting go of a relationship that’s being held onto? Possibly it’s in the lower back and there’s been discomfort there for a while.. Maybe it’s about control verses allowing. Just sit with it and feel what it feels like. The beautiful thing about resistance is it gives us so much information on our path and how we are wanting to break free of old patterns that are no longer serving us.
- Now imagine that you are standing outside of the resistance, this could be the outside of a building or place that you resonate with. Feel the expansion and freedom outside of the resistance and then open the door and walk into the room with resistance and feel what it feels like. Possibly when we walk into the room it feels confining or agitated … Now go back and forth between both feeling the expansion/freedom outside and the contraction/confinement inside. Go back and forth between them several times until you have the felt sense of both feelings. The feelings are the KEY to expanding beyond the resistance. Once you have mastered this, then see if you can expand beyond the resistance as soon as you feel it. It may take a bit of practice, but once you do, what is on the other side will reveal itself. Then you have freedom to create what you want without the resistance being a part of the equation anymore. Once you’ve mastered the expansion outside of the resistance you are on your way to creating felt senses around what is wanting to be manifested. Again the KEY is feeling that it’s already with you and you are living in it, with it and all around it…
Things are shifting and changing at a faster rate now and we are all being asked to step into our authentic self our magnificence on the planet and ground down the creative innate energy that we all have. We sometimes forget we are here having experiences in this lifetime which we have brought forward with us from previous lives that we are still working on. So again, if we can expand beyond the resistance, we are able to see what is in front of us so to speak. Then we have to remember that we only have the now and every emotion that we have had up until this point (this very moment) has created where we are today in this moment. If we want a different outcome, we have to shift our emotions and beliefs and allow resistance to be released and let go of. Easier said than done, It goes with anything that we find challenging in our lives at the moment. It’s all about growth and evolution of the human consciousness… Here’s to growing, expanding and evolving…
I’m in the process on putting together an African trip in the fall. We have a wonderful guide who I have worked with in the past and he and his family are family to me as well. The dates aren’t set yet, but will be either October/early November. I will send out another note to let people know when I have exact dates soon. I have people on the list to go, so if you are interested send me an email [email protected] and I will send out more information. I’m connected to a Masai Tribe in southern Kenya who are family to me who love to share their culture, and we will be spending time with them towards the end of the trip. We will spend time looking for the illusive Leopards and experiencing all of the natural habitat, hiking a sacred mountain if that calls to you and I will be leading drumming circles for anyone who wants to join along. The night skies are dark and wondrous and the sounds of the Lions roaring along with the hyenas singing is absolutely amazing. This will be a small group, so if interested reach out soon.
For those of you who would love to donate to the Masai Tribe in AMBOSELI, please let me know and I will send information. Send an email to [email protected] They have suffered great loss with the recent drought and now the heavy flooding. They hold the Cow sacred and have now lost all of those animals due to lack of grass and food. I’m asking anyone who would like to donate to help with their food and necessities for their children. The Masai are such kind and heart centered people I thank you for your help.
Sending Love,