How our dreams really do come true!
I’m a huge believer in the DreamScape as I’ve said numerous times and recently it’s happened again. I’m sharing this as I feel we are all on this journey exploring what is our true nature of beingness in this lifetime. Some know right away, others know later in life, and others will continue to search…
When we go to sleep at night we enter a world of infinite possibilities as there are no boundaries in the DreamScape. We can enter other realms that sing to us, pose alternate realities from the one in which we live in, which is mesmerizing. There is the precognitive dream which brings our reality of a dream to life, LITERALLY!. If you’re dreaming of people, places or things that are in your waking life, most of the time the dream is wanting you to pay attention to something you are either working through, or something will come in and surprise you.
I’m sharing this story as I find precognitive dreaming so exciting. When we dream of something happening and then it comes into fruition in our waking life, it gives us confirmation that it’s actually real. Our brain will likely take another approach, but I’ve learned over the years of dreaming to choose not to listen to my brain and take in what is happening and wait for the outcome with curiosity. I never say I know what is going to happen, as I believe that shuts down any other potential possibilities.
I lost an ANKH Ring last winter and looked all over the place for it. I was a bit upset for awhile as this ring was so sentimental to me given I had acquired it in Egypt in 2018. I would only take it off to wash my face and put it back on. One morning I took it off and of course I swore I had put it back on and it was nowhere to be found. I searched everywhere inside and outside my home. Finally I had to let it go and said to the Universe, “I would love to have it back when the time is right!”
I recently have a new tenant on my property in the casita and I told her that I had lost a ring last winter. I never showed her a picture, or gave her any description of the ring. She said she would keep an eye out for it. I went to sleep that night and had a dream of my old tenant handing me back my ANKH ring and I woke up. I found it rather odd that my old tenant was giving me back the ring, and I could see the beautiful gold ANKHS which were the circumference of the whole ring. I was outside the next morning after the dream and the the new tenant was asking me a couple of questions about her new place and we were standing by the gate of the casita and she looked down and said “WHAT IS THAT?” I responded with, “OMG! that’s my ANKH RING!” I can’t begin to tell you how overjoyed I was. She then told me she had done some Reiki pertaining to my ring the night before. I was so grateful and once again, I’m so enamored by our dreamscape and the amazing gifts it can give us. Her doing the Reiki around the ring, I’m sure helped with bringing it into focus as well. I guess what I’m getting at is never give up on something that is lost, it can always come back in a different way as well …
We are embarking on our Mallorca Mystical Retreat in about 3 weeks time. It’s going to be an amazing time with wonderful people! If you are joining us, I look forward to meeting you there. May we all flourish in our beingness and live a life fulfilled!
Sending Love,