We are back from our retreat and all I can say is WOW! It was such an extraordinary time with amazing gifted people who were willing to dive deep and ask questions of themselves which in turn created an amazing space of healing, transformation and the ability to tap into gifts that were being shown.

The Monastery at Lluc is quite an extraordinary place that is a pilgrimage site. I really had no idea what to expect other than I had been the island of Mallorca about eight years ago and absolutely loved it! As some of our participants have said “they didn’t know what to expect, but it was more than they could have imagined and more.” It was an intimate group of amazing people who asked challenging questions of themselves and were willing to share within our Fireside Chats/Sharing Circle and Dream Circle .Another reiterated this and also shared how it wasn’t pretentious and felt comfortable sharing along with being seen for her gifts and talents that she new she had. There were fears that arose along with being held in the nurturing energy of the group and the energies of the sacred land we walked upon every day.

This Monastery where the Black Modonna resides along with being a pilgrimage site for so many that have come before us and who will come after us holds an energy like none other I’ve personally experienced. The Knights Templars also spent time at this Monastery and they didn’t inhabit places unless they held a high frequency of Ley Lines. I’ve been to quite a few sacred sites in the world, but this one is extraordinary. The energy feels so light and of purity, grace and the essence of being held. Personally I could feel my 3rd eye buzzing constantly and the connection to my shamanic side tended to make itself known through my visions and experiences which I didn’t expect.

We ventured out on a hike in the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range that surrounds the Monestary with our great guide Martin who guides all over the island who shared so much of the history with us which was wonderful. (Here’s his website for more information.) How they made charcoal from the trees on the land and the people that stayed and lived there among the trees as well. Charcoal making took place where by then, oak trees were in abundance, in the Serra de Tramuntana. Charcoal makers and their families went into the mountains for sporadic periods to produce the treasured source of energy. There, round sitjas (pit bases) were built, wood was gathered, mounds were assembled and tightly covered with packed earth. Once the fire was lit, it would take between five and ten days before the burnt wood had carbonized and turned into charcoal. (excerpt from Mallorca Photo Blog) 

We spent our last day in Soller experiencing the village and the fresh farmers market and outdoor market. I found some textiles to bring home that were native to the island which are so beautiful and of course lots of chocolate. They have amazing fresh bakeries along with Slow Food cafe which was wonderful, and fresh vegetables were incredible along with organic coffee and teas. You can feel the care and pride that goes into a lot of the businesses and rituals of honoring their beliefs.

Robert Graves, the writer once lived on the island of Mallorca and his home is now small museum dedicated to him and his work. And I couldn’t pass up the old yellow Fiat that I would walk by on my morning walks at times up at the cemetery by the church where he is buried.. The old stone buildings and the care that goes into the villages is quite exquisite.

Robin, Monika and myself learned so much from everyone and we all three participated in each others presentations. I now have a deeper meaning of the Tarot after Monika’s presentation. I love the way she conceived her perspective of Tarot and the paintings she used to represent the different suits and the meaning behind the Souls perspective with the Major Arcana and our everyday life with the Minor Arcana. Her insights of the cards I really resonate with and I highly recommend picking up her Tarot Deck if you don’t already have one! Robin’s Sky Session was amazing as well. I had no idea what to expect and came away with a technique that is so subtle, deep and transformative. It unlocks those deep subtle emotions that are wanting to come to the surface and be released. She had wonderful stories to share about her extraordinary life she has led and continues to lead! As I have said about her “She’s the MOTHER!Meaning her energy embodies Grace and Unconditional Love that can be felt my all!  Our shamanic drumming session in nature had so many revelations and different experiences were had by all. I received a note after getting home that the presentation that I taught on the work channeled in years ago had helped put one of our participants spine back into alignment. We were all so well received by the group and we couldn’t have asked for a better group of individuals that worked together in synergy. The three of us had such different things to offer and our participants could choose what resonated with them and take that within on their journey.

We will be doing this again next year given it was such a great success and so well received. Stay tuned for upcoming dates to Mallorca! We’ve decided to keep it an intimate group so space will be limited we’ve decided. This gives all participants a chance to participate and share which is so important. I highly recommend checking out Robin’s website https://robinjohnson.life and Monika’s website https://www.goldengoosetarot.com for what they have to offer to the world.

Sending Love,
