Are you holding your center, your Nirvana? Nirvana comes from the Buddhist tradition meaning a psychological state of mind. It’s not something that is a place like heaven as Joseph Campbell says, it is here inside of us in the middle of Saṃsāra the chaos and turmoil in Sanskrit meaning life conditions.. Nirvana is when you are not driven or compelled by desire or fear. It is when you are centered in your own being and living from a place of true authenticity and neutrality. ARE YOU TRULY CENTERED? 

How do we become centered? Some refer to this as slaying the dragon or seeing the shadow side of ourselves. There’s different meanings of the dragon in various cultures, so pick one that speaks to you when thinking of the dragon.  I see this as layers of the soul and those layers being pealed away as we dive into the abyss (the subconscious) and allow it to rise up at meet our consciousness. We integrate those parts of our shadow self into our being of consciousness and become more aware of who we are. We begin to live our life out of blissfulness and truly take part in the things that bring us joy and fulfillment. As we find this in ourselves we get out of our brain which is a secondary organ to our body. Our body is where all our emotions lie for us to tap into. It’s important to allow the body to become the place where we reside, not the brain. Our thoughts create form, they inform our body and physical presence in life, this is why it’s imperative to learn how to create space within our thinking brain to allow ourselves to be in the Nothingingness. This is where everything takes place. You can perceive it as the Void,  the Nothingingness, the Cosmos. It is a place where all consciousness lies which is calm, free, spacious and extraordinary. This is the key to unlocking where we have come from ancestrally, and I mean this from a cosmic sense. It’s possible to be shown where we are from if we have shifted from a state of being for which is shadowing our true nature here on earth. The body is the key to the destiny for so many who search and seek to find what their purpose is… If only, we can stop searching, will the truth be known. It’s a process of allowing the unwinding of what is stored in the body and to stop seeking from the mind to confuse where we are going. There is no destination. We are on a river of consciousness that is ever flowing and evolving.

This can seem weird to some and if we want to get esoteric about it, which I’m a true believer in by the way. Then we look at the root word of weird which is WYRD.. The meaning of WYRD is destiny. What are we wanting to do in this lifetime as we’ve had so many others before this one. Can we access that deep part of us and become truly who we want to be without fear. Can we LOVE?, meaning Letting Others Voluntarily Evolve. When we actually realize that it’s really not about us and it’s none of our business what other’s think of us, we can step into our own self and become what we want to be. Do you live by the system of our society, or do you fall into the place of being a maverick? I love being a Maverick.:)

I encourage you over the next month to sit quietly and work on NOT THINKING! I know it may sound impossible, but it’s really not. It’s practicing like anything else we do. We brush our teeth, wash our clothes, buy food, etc… These are logical things that are necessary for our daily life. I’m encouraging to go to a different place of being. A place during the day where there is Freedom and Nirvana. So, as you are sitting and getting quiet, and a thought comes in allow it to float by and each time this happens, again allow it to float by. Imagine them being RED BALLOONS or something that resonates with you.  This becomes a practice, don’t over think it. That’s thinking:) Over time, you will get to that place where you will have a moment where there are no thoughts, you will become aware of it and Shazam! You’ve done it! It’s calming, soothing and raises your vibration. So many of our thoughts during the day are unnecessary which is over thinking and lowers our frequency and vibration. I encourage you to practice throughout the day once you are comfortable with it. If you are wanting different things in your life, then frequency is where it’s at. By over thinking, we have a challenging time bringing in what we are desiring. They say the average woman has close to 80,000 thoughts per day, and men around 65,000. So, practice, practice, practice.

This is a quote my Guides gave me years ago as I was sitting in silence. “I am that open space of nothingness where magic happens and my dreams come true”


Joyful Abundance,
