Perception!  What is it anyway?

This is the dictionary’s definition of perception. “The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses”  So what is the perception of our own limitations? What if we shifted our perception of our limitations? What if we created a whole new story and watched it unfold before our eyes?

I’ve heard numerous self help guru’s, mystics, intuitive’s say “Change the Perception and Change the Outcome” . Well that’s easier said than done in my book. I feel this takes practice, practice, practice. It takes practice to change a habit and practice to shift a perception. One has to get out of the head/ego and shift into the body in order to really let go of an old perception.

I personally like the word shift instead of change. To me shift gives the feeling of something being slowly withdrawn or allowing it to have room to move. Change to me is a bit more abrupt in feeling. But I encourage you to go with what works best for you.

I did this for a few months around trauma in my childhood and eventually was able to let go of the feelings around situations that happened. I started imagining a whole different childhood. By doing so, I was shifting my nervous system and at a cellular level which alleviates anxiety. I imagined my home, how I grew up, where I went to school. I imagined where we vacationed every summer on school breaks, how my father took me off to college and the conversations we had in the moving van. I imagined how we vacationed in Europe every year and would ride horses together. I created a whole new life and outcome and I felt the emotions and feelings around my new life.

I could slowly feel my nervous system start to shift. This is the same with athletes when they do with visualization with another component added in. The FEELING! As a dancer, I would visualize myself on stage going through the choreography the night before a performance. I remember I loved getting up on stage. I never had stage fright. But put me in a room with a small group of people, and I would shrink into the corner. I had no problem being up in front of 100s of people, or speaking in front of them, but small groups were always challenging. So, now when I know I’m going to go to a party of small group of people, I always visual how articulate and funny I am before I attend the party or event, and I feel what it feels like to already be there and having a great time…

I recently did this exercise in one of my mentoring classes where I took everyone on a magic carpet ride (and it was fun by the way) to a destination and asked them to see, feel and hear what they could perceive. The fascinating thing about this journey was everyone had a slightly different perception and outcome. What they learned about themselves was quite remarkable. It gave them a chance to go inward and feel where they were controlling parts of themselves.

Here’s an exercise to practice for the next month.

Exercise of the month- Shifting a perception!

I suggest getting quiet each day, even it’s only for a few minutes and become present in your body. Sit upright or lay down if that feels better. Feel the clothing on your body, feel your feet on the floor, feel the waistband around your waist, how the clothing feels on your body. Maybe the socks or shoes on your feet. This allows you to become present and where you are in the moment. Now think of something you would like to shift or have a different perception of. This could be a childhood experience or a situation that happened this week or years ago.  Feel the emotions around it and how it makes you feel. Where does it go in the body? (Pay attention to this, it gives you a lot of information)… Now after feeling how uncomfortable the feeling feels , lets shift the perception. What if I imagined what it would feel like if the circumstances and/or situation had a different outcome. You can make it any outcome that makes you extremely happy! Now feel the emotion behind it, how does it make you feel, and where does it go in your body? (Again, pay attention to where it goes in the body).

You have just given yourself a tool to know in the future what feels good to you and what doesn’t by tapping into your feeling body, your emotional body and where it goes in your body. When you get those feelings in that part of your body, you have your answer. It’s that simple and that SUBTLE!

My suggestion would be to do this with anything that is going on your life. I do this all the time throughout the day. I ask myself how I feel about decisions I’m making in my life. It makes it a lot of fun and the outcomes are welcoming and amazing!

Happy Fall!

