Happy New Year! 

This will be an interesting year. If you study or are into numerology then we know that 2019 adds up the number 3. It’s all about EXPRESSION this year! What are you wanting to bring forward and express? Do you have a new idea or ideas that you are wanting to create or possibly a dream that has been inside of you yearning to jump out and sing on the top of the rooftop! I say GO FOR IT! It’s all about expressing who we truly are and not being concerned about what other people think. Besides, it is none of our business what other people think about us.  

Expression can come in many forms. I feel if we find where and when we feel inspired then we can start to express from that point of creation. Mine often comes as I’m walking in nature or as over the holiday break in the pouring, saturating, drenching rain. I was actually feeling overjoyed about being out in it, whereas years ago, I’m not sure I would have felt that way. I had a couple of visions and then this concept came to me that I would love to share with you. 


Again this can take many forms. We can look at the mystical esoteric side of shapeshifting which I love and practice in my own practice and with clients. Then there is the shapeshifting for the practicality of one’s life. How do we expand into our own matrix/dreamscape and create from a point of allowing what we want to come to us or come in the vicinity. Do you pay attention to those subtle signs you get from the Universe on a daily basis? One of the keys is if you do, it’s my belief that you get really excited about them. This allows the vibration in your body, your matrix/dreamscape to expand and bring in more of the same.

So the question is how do we SHAPESHIFT for the practical sense of how we live on a daily basis?

My belief and what I teach in my mentoring classes and to clients is first you have to be come familiar with your felt senses. What I mean by this is you have to understand your own emotions and how your body respond to them. Again it’s layered. Do you know what LOVE feels like in your body. I mean really know it? Do you know what excitement feels like in your body, and really know it? Do you know what JOY feels like to you and in your body?  Do you know what anger and sadness feels like in your body? Do you know when you’re in an expanded state verses a contracted one? Most people will say yes until they actually take the time to feel each one separately. What I have seen and found is that a lot of us don’t really know what JOY feels like or a deep LOVE , especially for ourselves. 

Once you have mastered felt senses you are then able to expand into your DreamScape/Matrix and feel what is there waiting for you.  I’ve been practicing this now for quite some time after I received a channel with all of this information. It took a while to get my felt senses down and I really thought I new what they all felt like. The experience I had while channeling was not what I was expecting. The fascinating thing is once I started practicing on a daily basis, emotions would arise and I would have these healings. One of the other keys is not attaching a lot of thought to the process. If a healing takes place, meaning you become emotional from feeling a felt sense or from being in meditation, YOU DO NOT need to know WHY you are having an emotional response. All that needs to happen is to feel the feeling, allow it run through your body and be released. We spend way too much time as humans trying to figure out why we feel certain ways. From my perspective and what I have channeled through, all we really need to do is feel it and move on. Once we are able to feel what LOVE, JOY really feels like we can step into the GOOD VIBRATIONS and start feeling what we are really wanting to create from a souls perspective not what we think we want. 

Are you ready to SHAPESHIFT? It’s a wild ride and well worth the EFFORT!


I will leave you with an excerpt from SAM! 

Our prospective of enlightenment is following what excites you. Humans perceive enlightenment as ascension and we see it as you enlighten your being with your truth and who you came here to be. Follow what brings you excitement and joy, creating what you want in your life, then you have created your enlightenment. It’s about being enlightened in physical form which allows the spiritual form to show more of its light body. As you do this you are creating a vibration that is not only enlightening you and your human consciousness but the cosmic consciousness as well.

If you continue to create end points, then you are creating more disappointment in your life. Where you choose to maneuver your thoughts is where you go. Your thoughts are what create your future, but remember there are no end points. Once a thought is brought into form, then a new thought is born to create another maneuvering. Distraction is prevalent in your culture and most humans thrive on it. It’s a way of not being in alignment with one’s being who has chosen to incarnate in this lifetime. We say maneuver your thoughts into form with emotion and allow the distractions to step off the highway.

Maneuvering your Intuition & the Journey within is on January, 18th 12-2pm. It’s learning how to speak another language of sorts. We all have our own unique way of connecting! Come and learn new ways of connecting with your guides, higher self & the unseen world. Visit the events page for more information and to register. We would love to see you in person or online!

Sending Love,
